
Board of Directors



西雅图十大赌博正规平台在线 批准了新的校董会的地区边界 on Wednesday, Oct. 26, 2022. 

这个过程并不影响学生去哪里上学. Director district boundaries are different from school attendance area boundaries.

十大正规网赌软件 (SPS) and the Seattle School Board spent time this fall redistricting current director districts. This means updating the boundaries of existing School Board director districts. 

感谢所有在这个过程中提供反馈的人. Public input was reviewed and considered by the School Board during the redistricting process. 


不知道你住在哪个学区? 整个西雅图有七个总监区. Visit the board of directors’ webpage for information about each School Board director and the current director districts. The new districts will be in effect for directors elected in 2023 and subsequent elections.

All Seattle School Board directors are elected citywide in the general election. 十大赌博正规平台在线负责为所有SPS学校提供服务, 不仅仅是在他们所代表的地区. 


西雅图十大赌博正规平台在线 is made up of seven director positions covering different geographic areas in the city. However, all School Board Directors serve all SPS schools and are elected citywide in the general election.

Director district boundaries are different from school attendance area boundaries. 重新划分选区的过程不会影响学生上学的地点.


十大正规网赌软件 is required to redraw the boundaries of its seven Board of Directors’ districts every 10 years, following the U.S. Census. 西雅图十大赌博正规平台在线 is now undertaking a redistricting process to ensure the director districts are of nearly equal population utilizing 2020 U.S. Census data. 

This redistricting process will only impact the boundaries for director districts, within which directors elected in 2023 and subsequent elections must reside and for which voters must reside for the primary election. All directors are elected citywide in the general election and are charged with serving on behalf of the entire district. 

Under state law, the Seattle School Board is divided into seven director districts that must be of nearly equal population, 尽可能紧凑, 由地理上连续的区域组成, 不支持或反对任何种族团体或政党, and, 在可行的范围内, 符合现有的公认的自然边界和, 尽可能地, 维护现有的相关和共同利益的社区.

Population, 供董事地区之用, refers to census population data and is not a measure of the number of 十大正规网赌软件 students that reside within each director district, 登记选民的数量, 或者是城市某一特定区域内学校的集中.

西雅图十大赌博正规平台在线, 以及其他今年没有举行选举计划的司法管辖区, 必须在11月15日之前准备一个重新划分选区的计划吗, 2022.

Redistricting 常见问题

What is the role of a School Board Director and what would a shift to a new director district mean for my school or my family?

All directors are elected citywide in the general election and are charged with serving on behalf of the entire district. This redistricting process will only impact the boundaries for director districts, within which directors elected in 2023 and subsequent elections must reside and for which voters must reside for the primary election.

为什么董事会由来自不同地理区域的董事组成? 为什么建议总监地区的边界是这样划定的? 为什么在地理上有的大,有的小?

State law requires the division of the Seattle School District into seven geographically distinct director districts.

Under state law, 理事地区的人口必须几乎相等, 尽可能紧凑, 由地理上连续的区域组成, 不支持或反对任何种族团体或政党, and, 在可行的范围内, 符合现有的公认的自然边界和, 尽可能地, 维护现有的相关和共同利益的社区. 阅读更多关于这些要求的信息:  8月31日,FLO Analytics向西雅图十大赌博正规平台在线做报告 (see slides 7-11)

因为整个城市的人口密度不同, 有些地区的地理面积比其他地区大.


1965年的投票权法案和华盛顿州投票权法案(RCW 29A).92)防止基于种族和民族的投票稀释. In reviewing existing director districts and developing the redistricting scenarios for public and Board feedback, FLO Analytics reviewed census population data to analyze the impact of proposed boundary changes.

Population analysis with race and ethnicity data for the 重新划分计划草案 is included in the  Board Action Report for the 重新划分计划草案

State law requires that director districts contain nearly equal population numbers and does not allow for drawing boundaries resulting in a population imbalance in order to balance other factors such as geographic representation or student populations.

就重划草图而言,人口是什么意思? 有没有考虑到学校的数量, 十大正规网赌软件学生人数, 登记选民人数, or projected growth?

Population, 供董事地区之用, 指2020年完成的人口普查数据.

The district redistricts School Board Director districts every 10 years after each census to rebalance the population in director districts following varied growth patterns throughout the city.

Population, for this purpose, is not a measure of the number of 十大正规网赌软件 students that reside within a director district. Nor does it relate to the concentration of schools within a given region of the city.


SPS委员会重划地图 (updated 10/12/2022) The School Board substituted an updated draft redistricting plan at the Oct. 十大赌博正规平台在线会议. The School Board’s new draft redistricting plan was up for final action on October 26. 查看10月10日的日历条目. 26十大赌博正规平台在线会议.


2022年8月- 11月

Redistricting consultant FLO Analytics has been hired by the district to analyze current director district population data and develop potential redistricting maps that align with legal requirements. The following are planned dates for providing public comment on redistricting and for the School Board’s consideration. The information on this page and the following timeline will be updated as the redistricting process progresses.

Aug. 24 .执行委员会会议: Briefing on redistricting process for the School Board’s Executive Committee

Aug. 31 .董事会定期会议FLO Analytics关于重新划分选区过程的介绍. 查看此会议的日历条目.

Sept. 执行委员会会议g: The Committee considered a Board Action Report providing three potential maps developed by FLO Analytics for the district’s draft redistricting plan.

委员会审查了这三种情况 selected scenario 1 向理事会推荐地区的重新划分计划. Two other maps, scenario 2 and scenario 3,均被视为备选方案,但未获委员会推荐. 在线场景查看器.

Sept. 21:选区重新划分计划草案 posted to this webpage for written public comment through Let’s Talk.

Sept. 28 .董事会例会: 关于重新划分选区计划的理事会行动报告 introduced to the School Board and public comment taken remotely and in-person through a public hearing.

Oct. 12 .董事会例会: School Board considered four potential amendments to the draft redistricting plan after accepting additional public comment. The Board approved 重划计划草案修正案四, which selected a revised map (Scenario 7) as the Board’s updated draft redistricting plan.

October 12:选区重新划分计划草案, 在10月12日董事会例会上修订, posted to this webpage for additional written public comment through Let’s Talk. 查看修订后的重新划分计划草案.

Oct. 26 .董事会例会: The Board will be holding a public hearing on the redistricting plan scheduled for action during this meeting. The 理事会行动报告,以批准重划计划 将会张贴在会议议程上吗. 查看此会议的日历条目.

Nov. 15:十大赌博正规平台在线批准重新划分计划的法定截止日期 (定于十月二十六日批准)